Ready to begin admission?
Admission Procedure:
The admissions procedure will include a personal interview or interviews with the parent/guardian, and the child to determine after the family has been
determined to be eligible for the program if the program is the best fit for the family. Families found to be eligible for the program will be required to provide certain information for the family folder. Much of this information is a requirement of the funding source.
All children who are accepted into the program must have a physical exam prior and immunizations record before enrollment (unless such exam/immunizations are contrary to religious beliefs of the family). Should this be the case the parent/guardian must provide a written statement setting forth the religious objection to said exam/immunizations.
The admissions procedure will include a tour of Centro, a time set so the parent/guardian can come in and spend time observing the classroom where their child will be in.
The admissions procedure will also include an orientation that will include an introduction to the program philosophy, program goals and objectives, eligibility criteria, priorities for enrollment, due process, procedures, and program activities. The Parent Handbook will be reviewed in depth and each family will receive a handbook to take home and review.
All parents/guardians who child is accepted into the program will be required to sign a contract with Centro de Niños which obligates them to certain rules and regulations. This contract is reviewed with each parent/guardian.
Parents/guardian are obligated to inform CDN immediately of any changes in address, telephone numbers (including cell), e-mail address, employment, training, marital status, family size, emergency telephone numbers, or anything affecting their eligibility for child care/development services.
Parents must acknowledge receipt of heir parent’s rights and the personal rights of their children. Forms for this purpose are included in the enrollment packet. It is the parent’s responsibility to read all information provided by Centro de Niños at the time of enrollment. We are happy to review any items which you feel might need clarification.