Thank you for considering to donate to our organization.
Your donation will help enhance the learning experience for the children in our community.

Your donation will help enhance the learning experience for the children in our community.
PayPal a financial technology company operating an online payments system in the majority of countries that support online money transfers, and serves as an electronic alternative to traditional paper methods such as checks and money orders. You can click the button below to donate through PayPal, at no fee. (You will receive a emailed receipt upon completion.)
Facebook allows donations through our main page @CentroDeNinosInc. You can also view this page for up-to-date news and events at the Centro. You can view our FaceBook by clicking the button below. (You will receive a emailed receipt upon completion)
1.Click the button below to go to Smile.Amazon.com
2. Log-in using your existing Amazon account or create a new one. (You will still receive all your Amazon Prime benefits)
3. Type in and select Centro De Niños as your Charity of choice
4. Shop on Smile.Amazon.com and Centro will earn 0.5% on all eligible purchases
To donate through cash or check, please contact Centro de Ninos at the contact page below. Upon request, receipts may be emailed or mailed to the sender.